A rainy Xmas which luckily made gardening alot easier, and several days construction slog putting up windows, but we now have 1/2 a living shed and a vege patch taking shape. The grader has finished clearing for the water tanks and garage and this weekend comes the earth-mover for dam repairs.
Congrat's to Quinten and Jane: a new baby girl!
Eventually we hope to evolve into something like this:
Loy Yang mine
Mt Baw Baw in the distance beyond Loy Yang
Wildlife spotted recently, in addition to the giant wild sheep!, include the southern brown tree frog, whole families of kookaburra's, huge dragonfly's and stick insects and giant earthworms, and wedge tailed eagles regularly soaring in the afternoon updrafts above the hills.
Due to complaints re the rat's accidental deaths, I have been asked to retract my statements re their worth. Ok: In fact native rats are cool. They feed owls and other higher predators, and so they help keep the forest order intact. It was a complete accident their drownings mind you.