Tuesday, April 28, 2009

On the Importance of good Gumboots

Wow the storm last weekend smashed the farm, dumped over 60mm of rain, the tracks turned to thick sticky mud, the shed was damaged and required several hours of repairs in the middle of the torrential storm, several garden items took a beating (plastic tables are not suited to farm life), but the silverbeet took it all in stride, and it was discovered that a good pair of Gumboots will get you through all but the worst of such crises. Autumn moves into Winter very quickly it seems at this altitude, and it never got above 9 degrees the whole weekend. Perfect weather for track cutting and tree planting.

Updates from the last 2 months include Laurie smiling like a pig in muck with his delivery of 100 mtrs and more of roughback stone.

Our friendly bulldozer driver Pete, terracing a few trial areas for future Truffle-Oak, and/or Walnut plantings. Would make a nice windbreak too.

Cleaning up 6 months of collected hard rubbish.

Being given a huge amount of timber, loads of pink batts and a lovely plastic tub, thanks Steve and Simon!

Seeing the Balook road area a few Km away is now regrowing.

We have now had almost 1000 hits on the blog since Sept 08, thanks everyone!