Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sean's SubTropical fruits and adventures with Mulch

It's nearly June, still late Autumn weather with cool frosts starting to develop, and lovely sunny days. Will Winter actually arrive?, is it climate change or just a late arrival?

Anyway a visit to our near neighbour Sean's sub-tropical Strzelecki orchard on the weekend put me in no doubt that the future others envisage will be warmer! and most of them fruit too!

Back on the farm, plans are hatching for another shed and mulching of trees' continues:
The gentle art of scavenging! this from only 2 nights selective hard rubbish collecting around Melbourne.
Each week brings plenty more great stuff like windows, a fish tank and an antique ceiling fan. It's going to be a fancy shed!

No not a rotary hoe, but a weeks work from a family of Lyrebirds!
and if there is any mulch or wood they also take to that with a vengeance

The garden is taking shape despite the Lyrebirds efforts
Mulch is available in bulk and for free - bracken and wattle cuttings
Citrus with its winter mulch in place

and what a lovely patch of mushrooms